
This is it.

After all, I've decided to make the move out of deviant and into a shinny blog. Who knows maybe someday, i'll have a website of my own. I'll start on posting almost everything (worthy) I do. 

Just an advice, I'm searching my own style, feels like a path towards the force or something, anyway, wish me luck and here we go.

By the way, I may be posting every now and then old work. Not like old sketches 'cause a friend of mine lost my sketchbook (right Jotzi?), but other "finished" pieces. Oh, one last announcement, this blog will be held in English to honor Cookiebert, whom I miss & love intensly.

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Nadymi!!! I'll be keeping an eye on your evolution as the incredible artist you're clearly becoming :D

